Hobo Johnson: Emo-Rap’s Unlikely Hero Takes on Florida

By Andie Seyr

California native, Frank Lopes aka Hobo Johnson, is seasoning the ears of listeners all around the world with his personal, emotion-filled, emo-rap music.

This past Summer, Hobo Johnson released two albums “The Revenge of Hobo Johnson” and “Hobo Johnson Alienates His Fanbase.” The inspiration behind releasing “Revenge” was the fact that it was made during Covid. He had a lot of time and had gone down ‘worm holes.’ He couldn’t play live shows and loves when people can relate. This would explain why this album is so personal and you can really feel the poured-out emotions and feelings within the album. “Alienates is kind of just a troll album.” His original goal was to release a trio including a serious album, non-serious album, and an experimental album, so “Alienates” is just filled with fun and trolling songs.


Hobo Johnson is currently on tour and is making his way for the first time to Florida and is more than excited about it. Referring to his track on “The Revenge of Hobo Johnson,” he says he definitely is very lucky to be fulfilling his dream of wanting to “see the world.” He has made his way across many locations around the country and his adventurous spirit is looking forward to traveling to Asia and Japan one day. “I am really lucky that I have been able to have gone out and see a lot of places.”

Talking with Frank was super chill and genuine. It is apparent that he loves what he does and is figuring out his sound. He really feels more creatively free not being on a record label. It gives him “artistic integrity” and since coming off his old record label, he feels a lot better with where his music is going. “It is nice to know that on a label you can be successful, but it is worth it to be off a label for me.”

He has accomplished a lot in his musical career. From living in his 1994 Toyota Corolla to starting a not-for-profit record label called “The Prof Corp,” Hobo Johnson has paved the way for his successful music career. If it wasn’t for living in his Corolla, he doesn’t think he would be where he is today. “There were moments I felt like I needed to take the dive of adulthood. I like following a fearless and reasonable life path, it was necessary for me.” This is respectable.

This led him to explaining what pushed him to keep going and making music. Frank said “I had a fear of working a normal job for the rest of my life. I want a driving factor.” This makes a lot of sense considering how creative he is! He was never able to get hired for his creativity and expressed how he was not good at interviews either which would limit his chances in working a good job as well.

It was great talking with Hobo Johnson, aka Frank Lopes. His creative mind gives off a great spirit of entertainment. From his fun songs to his emotion-filled songs, Lopes really knows how to put on a show. He really wants everyone to take away from his music that there is always another person out there who has felt what they are feeling. He wants people to question things because there are a lot of things out there that are unjust and wants people to care about them. This is a great way to look at the world. We can collectively make this world a better place for everyone!

He wants to leave off on a great note with UF students and has exclaimed, “Go Gators!!!!”


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